Learn to Highline 10 Week Course

This course is designed for those with no or basic slacklining experience.

It is 9 weeks of slack lining practice to prepare you for highlining followed by a weekend intensive where you get on the highline.

The slackline practice can be done remote via video, and you can fly into Brisbane for the weekend course and I can pick you up at the Airport.

At the start of the course we will meet to have an evaluation session of your key skills – balance (eyes closed, one leg), strength (for highline pull-ups), flexibility (for mounts). I’ll then identify a training program for you to build the skills to where you need to be to highline 9 weeks later.

Each week you will need to practice for 10-20min a day or 1 hour every second day.

Once a week send me a video of you slacklining for feedback. You have access to me for feedback and questions for the duration of the course.

If you don’t have a 25mm slackline and weblock (the same equipment we use when highlining), I will send you one to use for the duration of the course. This means you are training on the same equipment we use and practicing how to set it up.

What’s included:

  • Kick off training session (1-1.5hrs) at the start of the course where we so you how to:
    • Set up a slackline using a weblock, soft release and tensioning system (the same equipment we use when highlining, so you can practice on this and become familiar with it))
    • How to slackline
    • How to mount a slackline from the sitting position (required for highlining)
    • Key techniques for learning fast
  • Use of the above gear for the duration of the course for practicing
  • Weekly video coaching – you send me a video each week for 1-1 feedback
  • Support on how to set up a line at home (if you need to get creative with aframes because there is nothing obvious to attach to at home)
  • Mid course training session (1-1.5hrs) where we cover:
    • Leash climbing
    • Mantles (how to get back on the line from below it)
    • How to tie your leash knots (figure 8)
    • Rig (safety) checks & basic Rigging
    • Moving around with a hangover/line roller
  • Final Highline Weekend (2 days):
    • Day 1:
      • Recap on everything from the mid course session as listed above
      • Midline water line to practice on a low midline before a highline, and to practice leash falls.
      • Rig Checks & rigging (setting up the line)
    • Day 2:
      • Highlining

The fee is $1,000. This can be paid as one amount upfront via bank transfer, cash or credit card, or via monthly instalments via credit card.

The kick off and mid course training session are done in person for those in Brisbane, for those outside of Brisbane these are done remote via video.

The final Highline weekend is done in and around Brisbane (up to 3hrs away), for those outside of Brisbane you need to fly in for this